Messe Frankfurt has signed up to the German Water Partnership (GWP), the network for sustainable water management in Germany, and to the German RETech Partnership, the initiative for waste management and recycling. These organisations represent a joining of forces on the part of industry, relevant professional associations and the worlds of science and research, with the aim of fostering the export of German environmental technologies. Iris Jeglitza-Moshage, Member of the Executive Board at Messe Frankfurt Exhibition, explains: "By joining the GWP and RETech we are looking to strengthen our position as international providers of trade fairs for environmental technology and foster even more intensive dialogue amongst our industrial associates and the professional associations with regard to the global growth markets."
In 2014, Messe Frankfurt has extended its portfolio of events for environmental technologies in India. A country whose population will soon have overtaken that of China, India needs to provide sustainable energy, water and waste disposal systems, especially in the towns and cities. Messe Frankfurt will be offering a comprehensive platform for the entire gamut of environmental technologies, with four trade fairs together, held simultaneously for the first time from September 10-12 in New Delhi. Ms. Jeglitza-Moshage continues: "Following the hugely positive response to Watertech India last year and in the light of the growing demand, we have decided to add three further events onto the trade fair for water and sewage management and to hold them in New Delhi. With the new format, we are seeking to set the agenda for sustainable development in India." Wastetech India is a specialist trade fair dedicated to waste management and Cleantech India is devoted to the use of renewable energies. Pollutech India showcases anti-pollution technologies with reference to air and ground pollution, placing special emphasis on innovative measuring technology.
In addition to its involvement in India, Messe Frankfurt is committed to environmental technology in, above all, China, and holds three events (Building Solar China, Eco Expo Asia and Water Expo China) covering the water, sewage, energy, air and waste management industries. Finally, the Canadian Waste & Recycling Expo completes Messe Frankfurt's portfolio in the field.
For those who would like further information about Messe Frankfurt's events dealing with environmental technologies, the new website at now contains details of all the relevant trade fairs in the one place. The new site has information on partners, themes and topics, as well as giving details of the extent of Messe Frankfurt's expertise in this field.
Background information on Messe Frankfurt
Messe Frankfurt is one of the world's leading trade show organisers with around 543* million euros in sales and 2,026* employees worldwide. The Messe Frankfurt Group has a global network of 28 subsidiaries and approx. 50 international Sales Partners, giving it a presence for its customers in more than 150 countries. Events “made by Messe Frankfurt” take place at more than 30 locations around the globe. In 2013, Messe Frankfurt organised 114* trade fairs, of which more than half took place outside Germany.
Messe Frankfurt’s exhibition grounds, featuring 578,000 square metres, are currently home to ten exhibition halls and an adjacent Congress Center. The company is publicly owned, with the City of Frankfurt holding 60 percent and the State of Hesse 40 percent. For more information, please visit our website at:
* preliminary figures (2013)