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Carcasses and fish guts? ‘Not in our backyard,’ says Chapel Arm mayor

May 2, 2019

The prospect of mink waste, fish guts and slaughterhouse remains all brewing under one roof has Chapel Arm's mayor raising a stink about a composting company looking to set up shop in town.

In a third attempt to get the facility running, Newfoundland Industrial Composting — formerly known as Metro Environmental Services — has submitted a proposal to establish a commercial indoor composting facility on the Long Harbour Access Road in the town.

"We are looking at dead carcasses, basically," said Mayor Joan Rideout.

According to the proposal submitted to the province, "the facility will collect and process a variety of organic wastes from agricultural and industrial sources in Newfoundland to produce a high-quality compost for agricultural and landscaping purposes."

Rideout said the town, located in the southeast corner of Trinity Bay, has not been contacted by the company. However, town council has no control over the proposed location as it is outside of community limits.

But she said it will have big implications on her community and there doesn't appear to have been much consideration given to how this could affect Chapel Arm.

"Primarily the people in Chapel Arm are concerned about the odour. We have prevailing winds that come directly from the Long Harbour area," Rideout said.

She said they're also concerned about contamination in the water system and not having the proper safety measures.

Rideout said the fire department has limited staff and doesn't have the proper training to deal with a potentially toxic compost fire.

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