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Brandon residents can no longer recycle type of plastic container

Jul 11, 2019

The City of Brandon announced Tuesday that it will no longer accept a specific type of plastic container in its recycling stream.

According to the city, #1 Plastic food containers, which are hinged plastic clamshells that are often used to store greens, produce and pre-made meals, can no longer be recycled because the company that markets Brandon’s recyclables no longer accepts the containers, and the City of Brandon doesn’t have the capacity to stockpile the product.

Residents are told to stop putting them in their blue-lidded recycling bins, and for now, to put them in the black-lidded garbage carts.

A news release says this change does not apply to #1 Plastic beverage containers.

Though these containers remain in the marketplace, the City of Brandon encourages people to think about the changing recycling landscape when making purchases or to find ways to reuse plastic.

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