There are many things you must consider before buying a machine this large. In fact, finding and buying a compost turner is more of a process than anything else. The following tips can help you invest in the best machine for your composting needs.
1. Factors you should think about first
If buying a large-scale compost turner is a process, there should be a place to start. You can create a list for yourself using the following factors to help you begin and stay organized.
Operation and pile size
Some of the first things you should consider are the size of your operation and compost piles. If your piles are smaller, you will need less space and a smaller machine. If you make compost in long piles called windrows, you will need more space and a bigger machine. When you are buying a new machine because your old one was too small, you may need help matching the size of your windrows and compost turner. The manufacturer should be able to assist with this.
Equipment features and options
Once you know the size of the large-scale compost turner you need, you can focus on choosing equipment options. This includes basic features like design, horsepower, and drum style as well as other options like air conditioning in the cab and customization of an entire turner.
The better the features, the better the efficiency. Choosing the cheapest compost turner will save you money now, but the parts will break down fast and potentially cost more in maintenance in the long run. That’s why you should be sure to check into the quality of the materials used to build your chosen compost turner, as well as its fuel efficiency.
Available types of turners
Another important thing to know before you start shopping for large-scale compost turners is what type you will need. There are many available including auger type, elevating face, and straddle type turners. The differences between the types of compost turners include how they are moved and how they turn waste.
- The auger type compost turner: This compost turner is pulled by either a skid-steer loader or wheel loader. It moves waste from one side of the pile to another using paddles. One benefit of this type os that you may not need as much space in between windrows.
- Elevating face turner: This type of equipment can be pulled by a tractor or self-propelled. It moves compost backwards in large chunks, but it is not great for reducing material into smaller bits.
- The straddle type turner: This is one of the most commonly seen types of compost turners. It is self-propelled, powered by belts or hydraulics, or pulled and can cover a whole windrow. It is especially important to have matching windrow and turner widths if you are getting this type. This type of equipment is versatile because it can be made to turn many windrow sizes. Self-propelled models help you save on space because you do not need an area for a tractor to drive.